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How to delete objects
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago


There are two ways of deleting an object:

  • Soft deletion (archiving): It is actually more an archiving, for what is done is transferring the object from the client's company to the Ruptela archive company. This is the preferred and default option for the following reasons:

    • This has the advantage of preserving the object settings for future reference in archive company.

    • History can be kept in the original account under a fake IMEI, and can even be restored in the future. However, object is billed.

  • Hard deletion: It is the full and irreversible deletion of an object. Its parameters, settings and history will be permanently deleted. Only allowed in special cases.

In both cases make sure to:

  • Before you proceed with request check and confirm the following:

  • Make sure that object belongs to the same company who is requesting to delete it.

  • The request received by tech support must be approved by the sales manager responsible for the client. If request came directly from sales manager confirmation is not required.

  • Confirm with client or sales manager if history of the object must be kept in the original TT2 account (be aware that client will be charged for the object if he does that).

  • Confirm with client and sales manager if SIM card must be deactivated. If yes, refer to Activation / deactivation of SIM cards.

    • Inform sales manager to stop charging client after SIM card was deactivated.

Required information:

IMEI or other unique identifier

Preserve history required?

For End Users:

Support must perform this action since End users do not have access to LCM.

1. Login to LCM.

2. Go to Objects, search for object and click on on View/Edit:


3. Click on “Change company” button:


4. Enter “aa_!Nauji klientai” into “New company”, you then have two options:

OPTION A.set original object hidden (only TT1) with fake IMEI at old company” and click on “Save”.



    • Original object will be preserved in original company with same name but a different random IMEI (no new data will be accepted for this object, only historical data will be kept, and client will be charged for archived object).

    • New object will be created in internal Ruptela archiving client aa_!Nauji klientai with exactly same LCM settings as the original object, however, without TT2 history.

OPTION B. If archival version of the object does not need to be kept in original company, select “delete original object from old company” and click on “Save”.



    • Original object, its LCM settings and tracking history will be permanently deleted (charging will stop).

    • New object will be created in internal Ruptela archiving client aa_!Nauji klientai with exactly same LCM settings as the original object, however, without its TT2 tracking history.

For Service Providers:

Service providers should delete objects by themselves, unless there is a justified reason for Support to do it.

1. Login to LCM.

2. Go to Objects and search for object.

3. Tick on its checkbox.


4. Click on Delete at the bottom of the page, select a reason for deletion (irrelevant) and click on Delete button in the popup.



IMPORTANT! Since 2023, this action places the object in a "frozen" state for 30 days before it is automatically deleted. During this 30 day period, the object is invisible in LCM and TT2, does not accept new coordinates and won't be billed, but its settings and history are saved.

After the 30 days have lapsed, LCM will permanently and irreversibly delete the object and its history from LCM and TT2.


During the 30 day grace period between deletion action and permanent deletion, objects remain in "Pending delete" TRUE state and can only be searched by including "TRUE" value in the "Pending delete" search box.


You can click on Edit and go to the bottom of the page where you will find the "Restore" button.


Object will then accept new coordinates, reappear on LCM and TT2 and its billing will restart.

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