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How to create multiple objects from file in LCM
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago

Support team should get an email/ticket from our Logistics specialists that should contain the following information:

  • Client name for whom objects should be created.

  • File with all info about objects that need to be created (should be added to existing ticket too).

If the Payment plan is unclear, it should be clarified with the responsible sales manager.


Creating objects one by one can be a very time consuming task. LCM offers the possibility to create objects in batch using a .csv file.

Note: "Object import" has to be enabled in the Service Provider LCM account settings by Ruptela Support in order for this option to be available.


Note: Before creating the objects, make sure to have created the SIM cards in advance! Otherwise the generation will fail.

Note: Only batches up to 300 objects may be used at a time. (If the file contains more than 300 objects, system will only create the first 300).

Recommended tools:



  1. Go to Objects > Create new object > Create multiple objects from file > Download template file

  2. Open objectFileTemplate.csv in MS Excel.

    Template have a lot columns which need to be filled. A column nr. It is simple, how many objects you have, the same number have to be filled from 1 to your number.


    B column – client ID, which you have in your already created template from SIM cards creation. Just copy and paste.

    C column Object name and F column Serial number are the same, just copy and paste serial number from that file which you got from sales.

    D column Object description leave empty, it Is not necessary, but do not delete it!

    E column Connection number is phone number, please copy from sales file or from your filled file from SIM cards creation.

    F column like I mantioned earlier, it have to be the same like C column.

    G column IMEI – find in to sales file these numbers have to named the same.

    H, I and J columns have to find according which devices you are creating, for example:


    List from where you have to choose:


    If you can’t find in that list, go to admin panel and look from list you can find there. Objects -> create new object -> Hardware list -> choose your hardware type and press select -> copy hardware, soft id, object template and paste it in csv file for objects creation.


    K column always leave 02:00.

    L column have to choose client payment type. You can find it in objects which are already created for that specific client. Objects -> view / edit -> check few objects to be sure that you create with correct payment plan or ask sales which payment type it can be -> copy and paste in to L column.


    M and N columns leave number 1

    O and P columns leave number 0

    Q column is for passwords, few clients have special passwords, so we have to write them here.

    R column leave TT2.

    Make sure, that all columns are filled until end, that means how many objects, that how many have to be lines with information

  3. If required convert text to columns via Data > Text to columns:


Fill in the template.
Mandatory fields:

  • Nr (consecutive)

  • Client TT1 ID (see below)

  • Object name

  • Connection number - SIM number (Note: SIM cards need to be created in advance)

  • IMEI

  • Hardware - Depends on device hardware type. (Note: Name should match exact name as in LCM, example bellow)

  • Soft ID - Depends on selected hardware, example bellow:

  • Object template - Depends on selected hardware (Note: If you are creating objects for SP, login to their SP account, go to Object > Create new object > Select hardware in order to see which templates are available for them). Template name should match exact name from LCM, example bellow.

  • Maximum delay - Recommended value 02:00

  • Payment plan - Should be confirmed with client and sales manager (Note: If you are creating objects for SP, login to their SP account, go to Object > Create new object > Select hardware in order to see which Payment plans are available for them). Payment plan name should

  • match exact name from LCM, example bellow.

  • Visible - Recommended value 1

  • Enable Device Monitor - Recommended value 1

  • Garmin - Recommended value 0

  • Garmin connection (GPRS) - Recommended value 0

  • TT version - Should be "TT2"

Optional fields (Can be blank, or filled in if requested by client or sales manager):

  • Object description

  • Serial number

  • FM Password - Should match with SMS password in device CFG if client is planning to use ignition blocking from TT2 or Tacho download



6. Save the template as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)(*.csv)

Note: Make sure that columns are separate by semicolon. select Home > Find & Replace > Replace. Normally, when you use the Replace feature in Excel, you just type in the character you want to find, then the character you wish to replace it with.

If columns are separated by comma, replace it with semicolon and save changes:


7. Go to Objects > Create new object > Create multiple objects from file > Choose file


8. Select objectFileTemplate.csv > Click Open > Click Upload

9. After a few seconds, page should reload and at the bottom of it the result of the batch operation should appear. If incompatibilities appear, they will be described. Correct the file and try again.


Note* Sometimes you can receive error, but DO NOT turn off window, just press refresh -> continue and wait until it come back to final window.

Expected outcome:

Objects should be created:

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