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How to enable Astrata integration service
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago

Description of the issue:

The customer is asking to enable Astrata service for the objects.

Information needed:

  • QAP credentials (received from the client)

  • Vehicle registration numbers entered in the TT2 (otherwise such objects will not be activated for Astrata service):

  • TT2 Client ID (from Admin panel, section "Clients")

  • List of object IMEIs, which need to have service activated

  • Postman application (Download link)

Troubleshooting steps:

The instructions are based on the Astrata instructions for Support

  1. Check whether the client has Astrata service activated already using Postman:
    Method: GET
    URL example (replace bold number with actual TT2 client ID):

    Response: 200, OK
    Content (response) example:

    "tt2ClientId": 54252,
    "astrataCid": 4604,
    "astrataUsername": "sastrans-4604",
    "astrataPassword": "Rq$2q6tYrF",
    "astrataClient": "sastrans"
  2. Register Client in TT2 Astrata service using Postman with QAP credentials provided. Use the following settings:
    Method: POST

    Content type: raw / json
    Content example (you should input QAP credentials received from the client):

    "tt2ClientId": 54252,
    "astrataCid": 4857,
    "astrataUsername": "clientabc-4857",
    "astrataPassword": "R*7sq6tNrF",
    "astrataClient": "clientabc"

    Click "Send". Correct response should be: 201, Created

  3. Response: 200, OK

  4. Register objects to Astrata service using IMEI numbers:
    Method: POST

    Content type: raw / json
    Content example (replace the bolded numbers with actual TT2 client ID and IMEIs:

    "tt2ClientId": 54252,
    "imeis": [864547036000375, 864547034991625, 866600049031941]
  5. Prepare a list of objects for import to TripMonitor system. XLSX format example:


    Template: vehicles_for_import.xlsx

  6. Send the created and filled XLSX file to the client together with the instruction manual.

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