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How to activate Sent Geo
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago

Newest instructions:


Instructions on how to activate Sent Geo functionality.

Required information:

IMEI or any other object identifier

Zendesk ticket number


1- Login to client's TT2 account with admin webuser.

2- Go to Account settings.


3- Go to System configuration and enable SENT-GEO integration. Then press Save. A new Icon should appear in the main sidebar.


5- Go to Sent Geo module and search for the target object

  • If there is no Sent-Geo ID:

6. Go to Jenkins > eToll and SentGEO provisioning>Build with Parameters and input the required information (IMEI and Zendesk ticket number) and click on Build:

Go the the recently created built (its name will be the ticket number you just input) and click on Console Output. Scroll to the bottom and copy the sentgeo_id value:

7. When task is resolved and a object is registered a Sent Geo ID will be generated and appear in TT2.

8- Inform the client that the object has been registered and attach Sent Geo instructions (attached to this article).

Support job is done at this point. If there are questions about Puesc portal (mentioned in instructions for the client) client should address Puesc Support instead.

Further reading:

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