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How to get SM5 Configurator
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago


In order to be able to configure SM5 and activate any parameters you need, you will need a special version of the Configurator.

Please note the important condition that the instructions received cannot and should not be transferred to anyone beyond Support except with express permission from the manager.


1- Download the latest FW release pack from HERE.

2- Unzip the file "Advanced Configurator" in the local disk of your computer. IMPORTANT: necessarily not in the desktop or another partition, but on the local disk, where computer internal files are located.

3- Unzip the whole extracted file as well:

4- Open to the unzipped configurator and create a shortcut for the "Advanced Configurator.exe" file in the desktop.

5- Go to the desktop and right click on the shortcut, click on Properties>Shortcut>Target. Modify the field by adding the following text at the end.


Notice the initial space an initial space as indicated in the photo below below.

After that, click on Apply button and OK. You can also rename the shortcut as something more meaningful like "SM5 Advanced Configurator"


You can now double click on the shortcut and Advanced Configurator will open, all the previous configuration principles will remain the same, but with the extra feature of the SM5 device.

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