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How to manage Webuser roles?
Albert Basiul avatar
Written by Albert Basiul
Updated over 9 months ago


It is possible to hide/disable certain modules according to Client's needs, this feature is called "User Roles" and it is accessible through the TT2 Admin.

In case there is a need to create a specific Webuser role, please follow the steps explained below.

Required information:

Access to TT2 admin

Service provider/Client name

Webuser name


NOTE: If Client does not have an access to TT2 Admin, ask him/her to specify the email address he/she wishes to use as login and create access. How to create it: press HERE.

2 - Go to "User Roles".

3 - Search for the Service Provider/Client.

4 - Press "Create new Role":


5 - Here you can choose what to show or not to the desired Customer:


6 - Then, assign it to the desired Webuser. You will find a list of all the Webusers in your account.


7 - Press "Save".

NOTE: You can edit it later in the main TT2 Admin "User Roles" menu:


Note: The user role is applied after 20 min, but if a user is logged in in the browser user role will be applied after page refresh or logout/login.

Further reading:

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